
University of Tsukuba, Laboratory of Fungal Interaction and Molecular Biology


 趙 彦杰 (ZHAO Yanjie)・博士研究員


  • 土壌におけるRNAウイルスの多様性や動態の解明
  • キノコから共存型RNAウイルスの真の多様性の解明


E-mail : zhao.yanjie.gf(at)u.tsukuba.ac.jp


2014年 筑波大学大学院 生命環境科学研究科 生物圏資源科学専攻 博士課程修了
2009年 中国農業科学院大学院 植物病理学専攻 修士課程修了
2006年 中国河北農業大学 農学部 植物防疫学専攻 卒業


2022年4月~ 日本学術振興会特別研究員RPD
2020年8月~2022年3月 筑波大学 生命環境系 研究員
2016年7月~2020年7月 産業技術総合研究所 環境管理研究部門 環境微生物研究グループ 契約職員
2014年4月~2016年4月 国立科学博物館植物研究部菌類・藻類研究グループ 外国人共同研究員


1. 2013年 Asia Mycological Congress 2013, Best poster award


  1. Zhao Y-J, Shirouzu T, Chiba Y, Hosaka K, Moriyama H, Urayama SI*, Hagiwara D. Identification of novel RNA mycoviruses from wild mushroom isolates in Japan. Virus Research, 325: 199045 (2023)

  2. Chiba Y, Oiki S, Zhao Y-J, Nagano Y, Urayama S*, Hagiwara D*. Splitting of RNA-dependent RNA Polymerase is Common in Narnaviridae: Identification of a type II Divided-RdRp from Deep-Sea Fungal Isolates. Virus Evol. 7(2), veab095 (2021)

  3. Sato Y.*, Zhao Y.-J.*, Hori T., Aoyagi T., Inaba T., Aizawa H., Ogata A. and Hiroshi H. Transition of microbial community structures after development of membrane fouling in membrane bioreactors (MBRs). AMB Expr. 10:18. (2020) *Equally contributor

  4. Zhao Y.-J., Sato Y., Inaba T., Aoyagi T., Hori T., Habe H. Activated sludge microbial communities of a chemical plant wastewater treatment facility with 4 high-strength bromide ions and aromatic substances. J. Gen. Appl. Microbiol. 65, 106-110. (2019)

  5. Zhao Y.-J., Hosaka K., Hosoya T. Taxonomic re-evaluation of the genus Lambertella (Rutstroemiaceae, Helotiales) and allied stroma-forming fungi. Mycological Progress 15 (12), 1215-1228. (2016)

  6. Hosoya T., Zhao Y.-J. Enumeration of Remarkable Japanese Discomycetes (10): Two Helotiales and a Helotialean Anamorph New to Japan. Bull. Natl. Mus. Nat. Sci., Ser. B, Bot 42 (4), 113-119. (2016)

  7. Zhao Y.-J., Hosoya T. Enumeration of Remarkable Japanese Discomycetes (9): Notes on Two Lanzia species new to Japan. Bull. Natl. Mus. Nat. Sci., Ser. B, Bot 41(4), 137-145. (2015)

  8. Zhao Y.-J., Hosoya T. Enumeration of Remarkable Japanese Discomycetes (8): Notes on Two Hymenoscyphus species new to Japan. Bull. Natl. Mus. Nat. Sci., Ser. B, Bot 40 (4), 1-7. (2014)

  9. Hosoya T., Zhao Y.-J., Degawa Y. Poculum pseudosydowianum, sp. nov. (Rutstroemiaceae, Ascomycota) from Japan and its endophytic occurrence. Phytotaxa 175 (4): 216-224. (2014)

  10. Ben Haiyan, ZhaoY.-J., Chai A-Li , Shi Y.-X., Xie X.-W. and Li B.-J. First Report of Myrothecium roridum Causing Leaf Spot on Anthurium andraeanum in China. Journal of Phytopathology 162 (10): 144-147. (2014)

  11. Chai A-Li, ZhaoY.-J., Shi Y.-X., Xie X.-W. and Li B.-J. Identification of Colletotrichum capsici (Syd.) Butler causing anthracnose on pumpkin in China. Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology, 36(1), 121-124. (2014)

  12. Zhao Y.-J., Hosoya T., Shirouzu T., Kakishima M. and Yamaoka Y. Lambertella pyrolae (Rutstroemiaceae, Ascomycota), a new species from Japan. Phytotaxa, 136 (1): 54-60. (2013)

  13. Zhao Y.-J., Hosoya T., Baral H.-O., Hosaka, K. and Kakishima M. Hymenoscyphus pseudoalbidus, the correct name for Lambertella albida reported from Japan. Mycotaxon 122: 25-41. (2012)

  14. Hosoya T., Zhao Y.-J., Han J.-G., Saito Y. and Kakishima M. Enumberation of remarkable Japanese Discomycetes (6): notes on two inoperculate Discomycetes new to Japan and one operculate Discomycete, Bull. Natl. Mus. Nat. Sci., Ser. B, Bot 38(4), 139-146. (2012)

  15. Zhao Y.-J., Li B.-J., Shi Y.-X. and Xie X.-W. First Report of Myrothecium Leaf Spot of Common Bean in China Caused by Myrothecium roridum. Plant disease, 94 (1): 127. (2010)

  16. Li B.-J., ZhaoY.-J., Gao W., Shi Y.-X. and Xie X.-W. First Report of Target Leaf Spot Caused by Corynespora cassiicola on Balsam Pear in China. Plant disease, 94 (1): 127. (2010)

  17. Zhao Y.-J., Li B.-J., Shi Y.-X. and Xie X.-W. Identification of the pathogen of tomato myrothecium leaf spot. Acta Phytopathologica Sinica, 39 (5): 528-531. (2009)

  1. Urayama S*, Takaki Y, Chiba Y, Zhao Y, Kuroki M, Hagiwara D, Nunoura T. Eukaryotic Microbial RNA Viruses—Acute or Persistent? Insights into Their Function in the Aquatic Ecosystem. Microbes and Environments, 37: ME22034 (2022) doi: 10.1264/jsme2.ME22034


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